Our father was diagnosed with Myelodysplastic Syndrome in 2014. In 2017, he was also diagnosed with Myelofibrosis. We knew a transplant was in his future...and it appears that the future is sooner than any of us expected, because our father has been in the hospital since July1, 2021 with chemo-related pnuemonia complications. That future is now. Please "donate here" to help this unexpected turn of events.
When the Lord called our family to begin playing music, The Worthing10s Family Bluegrass Band was just a title. Since then we have gone on to play music in several states, played at assisted living centers, nursing homes, churches, revivals, festivals, etc. and even competed in many music competitions, including the Silver Dollar City's Youth in Bluegrass, (2012, 2015, 2017), all of which made us better musicians and brought a family closeness that is hard to describe...all of us working together for one common goal-to minister to others in Christ through our music.
Our "title" became more of a name which we took very seriously as we traveled and played music together. Our father always reminded us that playing together as a family was a privilege that the Lord has allowed in our life. He said never forget who we represent and always be in a constant state of prayer as we minister to a lost and dying world.
Those words and what he instilled in us kids will always be with us.
It has been over 13 years since we began playing music. It was while we were recording our first CD in 2014, that our father was initially diagnosed. He said that the family's band is what kept him going this long; Being able to focus on others and not himself.
Well, our family's public music has ceased for the moment. One of our brothers joined the Navy and the other two brothers joined the Marine Corp, so we lost the deep masculine voices..., then Covid-19 happened, so public engagements came to a screeching halt and well, this year, we are preparing for our father's transplant. He has been receiving 2 units of blood about every 10-12 days for over two years and I guess with no ability to play music in public places, the Lord felt the time was right for the transplant.
In June 2021, our father began chemo and landed in the hospital. The blog pages tells his story from our point of view.
We plan to update you with our father's progress as that season approaches, so until then, please keep us in your prayers!
If you choose to donate, we thank you! Please know you will be helping out all future medical and unknown needs.
Thank you!
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