August 1, 2021

Hello Everyone!

    How is it going here at the Worthington home? Well, we can't believe that a month ago today our Daddy was sent to stay at the hospital! Those 23 days of him being there was so hard for us, and went by very, very, very slowly...but the past week of our Daddy being home has gone by fast as we look back at what the past month held.
    Our Daddy is doing much better and is full of a little bit more energy, but his cough is still violently there. When he talks it is in a whisper because talking normally causes him to cough, and that gives him a bad headache. So, our days are quiet and spent doing quiet things with him so that he does not over exert himself or start coughing, but he is very happy, smiles, and still (Even though it is quiet) says his "Dad" jokes!

    So, in the last month we have seen many ways that our faith had to be tested. People would ask us how we were able to handle all we went through, and we all gave them the same one answer...Jesus! Yes we got through it by sticking together, being strong, helping each other in any way we could as a family...but that is only because of our Lord, Jesus Christ! He held our hands, wiped away our tears, comforted us by just being able to talk to him and feel him near, and by the little miracles that would happen where our Daddy was concerned!! What a mighty God we serve! 

    One thing that helped us is our sister, Joy (One of the three of us girls) and our big sister, Katarina would help us by saying four words. We would have moments of thinking about "The What Ifs?" or the pain and fear, but both of them would say loud, "But, God is good😊", and it would make us smile and see that God had everything all under control!
      No matter how scared we were, no matter how much we missed our Daddy, no matter how is the coming months we will be going through this all over again, God is good, and our Daddy is in God's hands! What do we have to fear? We have a wonderful testimony we have to share with others, and all the glory goes to God, because God is good!!

See you later,
Love, The Worthington Girls

