Update on Dad:
After several days of intense headaches, meds to help ease the pain, steroids to help the mouth sores, a lot of sleep, his counts zeroing out and the losing of hair (yes, I know what you're thinking
) it looks like we are standing closer to success!!Happy dance! Keep praying for healing and for his counts to begin to rise! Today is day +12! They say by day +16 we should see counts rise! The first 100 days are the most vital to get through!!! Thank you for praying for our journey so far.

We are happy to report that today we have seen a slight rise in his counts!! This is great news! They put him on steroids to help with the mouth sores and Praise the Lord! would you know that took the headaches away?!?! Yesterday was a good day compared to the preceding days and today he is doing well and tried to eat breakfast! Thank you all for praying! Keep at it! Our God is listening and working over here! Dad's doctor said as long as his counts continue to rise and no GVHD issues occur, we should keep going forward with little trouble!!
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