Anyone who knows Dale knows he has a high level of pain endurance and is dedicated to family and job no matter how he feels. I mean, he has been working all these years with this cancer, going to work with no complaints, playing music with our family band and then, receiving blood transfusions after work almost weekly for over 2 years. This past June, he completed fiscal year end inventory at his job, came home early and crashed out, then landed himself at the cancer hospital the next day with nuetropenic fever and fungal pneumonia. His response was "I needed to finish the inventory counts." I tell you all this because today he needs prayer. Today he has a headache like no other. Today he has deep bone and joint pain like never before. Today he cannot eat due to the mouth sores caused by the chemo. Today, he is trying to find rest and comfort. Today, he hurts. It is hard for this wife to watch. Me, who cannot kiss the pain away; no bandage can make this all better. I know this is all a part of the recovery process. We read about it. We heard about it. But today, we are experiencing it. Please pray for wisdom on the medical team to help give him something to bring relief. Pray for the donor cells to like their new home. Pray for me...(having a [slight] moment of weakness)... watching him suffer...and feeling helpless. Pray for God to make him whole. Thank you for listening. The chorus by Third Day, "Cry Out to Jesus" keeps playing in my head..."There is hope for the helpless
Rest for the weary
And love for the broken heart
And there is grace and forgiveness
Mercy and healing
He'll meet you wherever you are
Cry out to Jesus"
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