Our dad checked into the hospital n 9-27-21 and will begin a week long intensive and rigorous chemo treatment, killing off all his blood cells in preparation for the transplant scheduled for Oct. 5. This will be incredibly hard on his body and make him quite sick.
Today is day -4 to transplant day. During these negative days he is receiving heavy duty chemo drugs to kill off his cancerous blood cells in preparation for day Zero, transplant day. These meds will make him horribly sick (although we have been told that the effects of the chemo won't be felt til around day +7 or so when all his blood counts bottom out causing fevers, mouth ulcers, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, skin rashes, lethargia, malaise, bone achiness, various levels of GVHD [Graft vs Host Disease], viral and bacterial issues [[due to the drop in white blood cells]] with him becoming nuetropenic and a lot more ugly symptoms that he will go through before the engraftment of the donor cells happen-around day +20 or so). Please continue to keep him in prayer! As of today, the nurses say this is the calm before the storm as he is feeling pretty good right now, but when it hits, it'll hit hard and long before he (completely
) gets through this. After all that, the first 100 days are the most crucial as all of the above can happen at any given time during those 100 days...and after (but we will cross those bridges when and if that happens). So, please pray for endurance and strength to fight this when it hits!

Our dad is strong and we know the Lord is there helping every step of the way!
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